Elephant Designs

Sunday, April 27, 2014 0 comments

Lately I have been obsessed with elephant designs because over the last year they have become very symbolic to me. They symbolize spontaneity and freedom. My spontaneity to go to Thailand on my own without knowing anyone or anything about the place and without a return ticket. There, I lived one of the best episodes of my life. I grew as a person and created a family. Way before any of this happened I bought a small elephant necklace I fell in love with. It wasn't until after my decision to go to Thailand that I realized the universe had this path set for me way before I was aware of it. Soon elephants started popping up everywhere without me even noticing. As designs on my pants, on my wallet, on my bracelets and as decorative figures. Elephants symbolize gratitude. This golden elephant was a gift given to me by my Thai friend on my last day on Koh Samui after six months there. I keep it next to my bed at all times to remember to be grateful for everything that has happened to me that day and choose the memory I am most grateful for. Hope you like the design!


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