Tree Girl

Saturday, February 22, 2014 0 comments

A moment of inspiration during a time of tumultuous events. I got away and decided to restore some peace in my life by getting back to basics- sketchyrooo. What better way to sooth the thoughts than by sketching a fucking tree trunk.. I got carried away and as the music I was listening to transitioned to flamenco, the tree started sprouting arms, and movement became my new focus.

A week later I couldn't sleep, and tree girl sprouted leaves and bark (or what appear to be scales...turns out sketching bark is more difficult than tracing hands) as I listened to one of the most inspirational Spanish bands of all time, Fito & Fitipaldis. It was one of those moments where you realize someone else's words of wisdom  reflect your thoughts exactly. What a legend. Voila, le lyrics du legend:

Lyrics to Trozos De Cristal :

Voy a ver si me encuentro dentro de mi piel
y comprendo porqué nada puedo entender.
Me resulta tan raro todo lo normal,
me tropiezo, me caigo y vuelvo a tropezar.
Creí que me había equivocado,
luego pensé
que estoy bien aquí en mi nube azul.
Todo es como yo lo he inventado
y la realidad trozos de cristal
que al final hay que pasar descalzo.
Por favor no me empuje, me puedo caer.
Yo en mi nube estoy tan bien
no me va a convencer
yo conozco unos cuantos que son como usted
que me ofrecen veneno cuando tengo sed.
Creí que me había equivocado...


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