Easy Guacamole Recipe

Sunday, February 23, 2014 0 comments
Yesterday we invited friends over for a dinner at home. Since my mum decided to prepare fajitas my sister and I decided to make our very fave snack following the spirit of the Mexican theme: GUACAMOLE! We bought the ingredients we didn't already have (we forgot the cilantro, though... one of the MAIN herbs in the dish...) and made it an hour before everyone arrived as it was easy and quick. This is not just an appetizer, my sister and I have had this as a main dish in the summer with carrots, crackers and pepper as dippers. For our guaks we used:

- 2 avocados
- 10 cherry tomatos
- half an onion (preferably red but we only had white)
- half a red pepper
- lemon since we didn't have a lime in healthy conditions :(
- garlic powder
- salt and pepper
- celery leaves to substitute the cilantro

We added cumin and coriander as suggested by a friend to give it more taste.

The cooking process is very simple. Mash up the avocados, slice the onion, pepper and tomato into tiny slices (depending on how chunky you want it). Add the salt and pepper to taste. My sister blended it to make it smoother but I personally prefer it chunky monkey. We then cut up carrots, pepper and celery to use as a dipper. The final product? A delicious bowl of guaks. There were no leftovers to use as sauce on the fajitas...


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